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The quality of our products

The raw materials used in the manufacture of our e-liquids meet the requirements set out in the French standard XP-D-90-3002. They are either pharmaceutical grade or food grade.

Alfaliquid and Vaponaute are HACCP-certified French e-liquid brands with the origine France garantie label.


This certification rewards Gaiatrend's commitment to French know-how and local production.

Aromatics at
Gaia Trend

For Gaïatrend, innovation also means researching and developing new flavours.

Just like a gourmet chef, Xavier Martzel, head of the Flavour Division in the Research and Development Department, creates recipesthat are precisely measured, balanced and subtle, adding an extra dimension to the pleasure of vaping in complete safety.

Just like a gourmet chef, Xavier Martzel, head of the Flavour Division in the Research and Development Department, creates recipesthat are precisely measured, balanced and subtle, adding an extra dimension to the pleasure of vaping in complete safety.

He also ensures that the substances used to formulate the flavours are non-toxic.


Keen to offer the most complete range of e-liquids possible and to listen to consumers, the flavourist and the Research and DevelopmentDirectordevelop new complex and subtle flavours throughout the year to satisfy the most discerning taste buds.


ÉCO-EMBALLAGES organises the recovery of cardboard packaging for products, as well as caps and bottles, which can be disposed of directly in house hold recyclingbins.


SCRELEC is responsible for collecting, sorting and recycling used portable batteries in France. This eco-organisation manages the end-of-life of batteries and ensures local recycling to limit the environmental impact.


ÉCOLOGIC has set up a system for sorting WEEE (waste electrical and electronic equipment) and collects USB charging cords and chargers.


Close to our customers

The sales relationship with you is built around the pairing of a field sales representative and a sedentary account manager (CDC).


To meet your expectations, process your orders quickly and provide the service you deserve.

In the field, our 12 sales representative seach cover a well-defined geographical area, enabling them to be with you more regularly to meet your needs.