Politique de confidentialité


This privacy policy informs you about how SARL GAIA TREND uses and protects the information you transmit to us, if applicable, when you use this website accessible from the following URL: alfa-pro.fr.

Please note that this privacy policy may be modified or supplemented at any time by SARL GAIA TREND, particularly to comply with any legal or technological developments. In such a case, the date of the update will be clearly identified at the top of this policy. These changes will bind the user as soon as they are posted online. Therefore, the user is advised to regularly consult this privacy policy to stay informed of any changes.


This privacy policy is applicable between SARL GAIA TREND, hereinafter referred to as “the publisher”, and any person connecting to the Site, hereinafter referred to as “the Internet User”.


“Site Contents”: elements of any nature published on the Site, whether protected by intellectual property rights or not, such as texts, images, designs, presentations, videos, diagrams, structures, databases, or software.

“Internet User”: any person connecting to the Site.

“Site”: website accessible at the URL alfa-pro.fr, as well as sub-sites, mirror sites, portals, and URL variations related thereto.


This privacy policy applies to all Internet Users. Simply connecting and/or browsing the Site constitutes your full acceptance of this privacy policy. Furthermore, clicking on "OK, accept all" in the cookie information banner displayed on the Site confirms your acceptance. You also acknowledge having fully understood and accepted it without restriction.

The Internet User acknowledges the evidentiary value of the automatic recording systems of "the publisher" unless they provide proof to the contrary.

Acceptance of this privacy policy assumes that Internet Users have the necessary legal capacity to do so or are at least 16 years old, or failing that, have the authorization of a guardian or curator if they are incapacitated, or a legal representative if they are under 16 years old, or hold a mandate if acting on behalf of a legal entity.


Generally, you can visit the Site without voluntarily providing any personal information. In any case, you are under no obligation to voluntarily transmit this information to "the publisher."

However, if you refuse, you may not be able to benefit from certain information or services you have requested. In this regard, "the publisher" may, in certain cases, request that you provide your name, first name, email address, phone number, company, and position. By providing this information, you expressly agree that it will be processed by SARL GAIA TREND for the purposes indicated in this document and as reminded at the end of each form.

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) adopted by the European Parliament on April 14, 2016, and national legislation in force, "the publisher" provides you with the following information:

4.1 Identity of the data controller

The person responsible for the collection and processing of data on the Site is SARL GAIA TREND.

4.2 Identity of the Data Protection Officer

The identity of the Data Protection Officer is SARL GAIA TREND.

4.3 Data collection by "the publisher"

4.3.1 Data collected Data collected during navigation

When browsing the Site, you consent to "the publisher" collecting information regarding your use of the Site, the content you view and click on, your demographic data, the device used and its software environment, trackers, web beacons, web storage, unique advertising identifiers, connection data (times, pages viewed, IP address...), and/or the web pages visited before or after using the Site. Data collected when using the contact form or sending an email

The use of the contact form by the Internet User requires "the publisher" to collect the following personal data: name, first name, email address, and any information voluntarily transmitted by the Internet User for handling their request.

Internet Users who do not wish to provide the required information for using the contact form will not be able to send a message to "the publisher" directly from the Site. Data collected during newsletter activities

As part of sending its newsletter, "the publisher" may collect and process your email address.

4.3.2 Purposes of personal data collection

The data collected during navigation is subject to automated processing for the following purposes:

  • Initiating legal proceedings;
  • Verifying the identity of Internet Users;
  • Ensuring and improving the security of the Site;
  • Developing, operating, improving, providing, and managing the Site;
  • Sending information and contacting the Internet User, including by email, phone, and push notifications;
  • Sharing Site content with others or making others aware of their consultation or opinion via social media sharing buttons;
  • Contextualizing and improving the Internet User's experience;
  • Targeting advertising content;
  • Preventing any illegal or unlawful activity;
  • Enforcing the terms of use of the Site.


The data collected when using the contact form or sending an email is subject to automated processing for the following purposes:

  • Fulfilling contractual commitments;
  • Initiating legal proceedings;
  • Verifying the identity of Internet Users;
  • Sending information and contacting the Internet User, including by email, phone, and push notifications;
  • Targeting advertising content;
  • Preventing any illegal or unlawful activity;
  • Enforcing the terms of use of the Site.


The data collected during newsletter activities is subject to automated processing for the following purposes:

  • Sending information on current events.

4.3.3 Legal basis for processing

The data collected during navigation is based on the legitimate interest of "the publisher", namely conducting an analysis of behavior on the Site and ensuring improved security and operation of the Site.

The data collected when using the contact form or sending an email is based on the legitimate interest of "the publisher", namely processing your request.

The data collected during newsletter activities is based on the consent of the individuals concerned.

4.3.4 Data recipients

The data collected is viewable only by "the publisher" and is never made visible to any third party.

4.3.5 Retention period for personal data

Personal data collected during navigation is retained for a reasonable period necessary for the proper administration of the Site and for up to 12 months.

Personal data collected when using the contact form is retained for the duration of the contractual relationship and up to 12 months after the completion of the task for the Internet User.

After the retention period, "the publisher" commits to permanently deleting the data of the individuals concerned.

4.3.6 Security and confidentiality of personal data

Personal data is stored under secure conditions, using current technological means, in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation and national legislation in force.

4.4 Respecting rights

You have the following rights regarding your personal data, which you can exercise by writing to us at our postal address: 10 route de Strasbourg 57410 Rohrbach-Lès-Bitche or by filling out our online contact form.

4.4.1 Right to information, access, and communication of data

You have the right to access personal data concerning you.

Due to the obligation of security and confidentiality in processing personal data, "the publisher" will only process your request if you provide proof of your identity, particularly by producing a scan of your valid ID (in case of a request via our dedicated electronic form) or a signed photocopy of your valid ID (in case of a written request), both accompanied by the statement “I certify on my honor that this ID is a true copy of the original. Done at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on _ _ /_ _/_ _ _ _", followed by your signature.

To assist you in your request, you will find here a sample letter created by the CNIL.

4.4.2 Right to rectification, deletion, and right to be forgotten

You have the right to request the correction, updating, locking, or deletion of your personal data that may be inaccurate, erroneous, incomplete, or outdated.

You can also define general and specific guidelines regarding the handling of your personal data after your death. Where appropriate, the heirs of a deceased person may demand that the death of their relative be taken into account and/or that necessary updates be made.

To assist you in your request, you will find here a sample letter created by the CNIL.

4.4.3 Right to object to data processing

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data.

To assist you in your request, you will find here a sample letter created by the CNIL.

4.4.4 Right to data portability

You have the right to receive the personal data you have provided us in a transferable, open, and readable format.

4.4.5 Right to limit processing

You have the right to request that the processing of your personal data by "the publisher" be limited. In this case, your data will only be retained and no longer used by "the publisher."

4.4.6 Response times

"The publisher" commits to responding to your request for access, correction, objection, or any other additional request for information within a reasonable time that will not exceed 1 month from the receipt of your request.

4.4.7 Complaint to the competent authority

If you believe that "the publisher" is not complying with its obligations regarding your personal data, you can file a complaint or request with the competent authority. In France, the competent authority is the CNIL, to which you can submit a request here.

4.5 Data transfer

4.5.1 Transfer to partners

"The publisher" informs you that we use authorized service providers to facilitate the collection and processing of data you have provided. These service providers may be located outside the European Union and have access to data collected on the Site.

"The publisher" has ensured in advance that its providers implement adequate safeguards and strict confidentiality, usage, and data protection conditions, such as through the US Privacy Shield.

The Internet User consents to the data collected being transferred by "the publisher" to its partners and being processed by these partners as part of third-party services, namely:


PartnerRoleRecipient countryProcess performedPrivacy policy
Google AnalyticsSubcontractorUSA (Privacy Shield)Generation of commercial statistics to create reports on Internet User interactions.https://policies.google.com/privacy
Google MapsSubcontractorUSA (Privacy Shield)Interactive map and geolocation service.https://policies.google.com/privacy
YoutubeSubcontractorUSA (Privacy Shield)Video streaming and sharing service.https://policies.google.com/privacy

4.5.2 Transfer by request or judicial decision

The Internet User also consents to "the publisher" disclosing the data collected to any person upon request by a state authority or judicial decision.

4.5.3 Transfer in the context of a merger or acquisition

If "the publisher" is involved in a merger, sale of assets, financing, liquidation, bankruptcy, or acquisition of all or part of its business by another company, the Internet User consents to the data collected being transferred by "the publisher" to this company, which will carry out the personal data processing referred to in this privacy policy in place of "the publisher."


When you first connect to "the publisher's" website, you are informed by a banner at the top or bottom of your screen that information relating to your browsing may be stored in files called "cookies". Our cookie policy allows you to better understand the measures we implement for browsing our website. It informs you of the cookies present on our website, their purpose, and how to configure them.

5.1 Use of trackers/cookies

"The publisher," as the publisher of this website, may install a cookie and other trackers on your terminal's hard drive (computer, tablet, mobile, etc.) to ensure smooth and optimal navigation on our website.

Cookies (or connection tokens) are small text files of limited size that allow us to recognize your computer, tablet, or mobile to personalize the services we offer you.

To clarify the information that cookies identify, below is a table listing the different types of cookies that may be used on "the publisher's" website, their name, purpose, and duration of retention.

5.2 Purposes of trackers

With the help of the information contained in the trackers and cookies used, "the publisher" can analyze traffic and usage of the Site and, if applicable, facilitate and improve navigation, conduct prospecting activities, generate commercial statistics, or display targeted advertisements.

5.3 Trackers used

PartnerPurpose of processingPartner's terms
Google AnalyticsGeneration of commercial statistics.https://policies.google.com/technologies/types
Google MapsInteractive map and geolocation service.https://policies.google.com/technologies/types
YoutubeVideo streaming and sharing service.https://policies.google.com/technologies/types

5.4 Configuring your cookie preferences

When you first connect to "the publisher's" website, a banner briefly presenting information about cookie placement and similar technologies appears at the top or bottom of your screen. This banner informs you that by continuing to browse "the publisher's" website (by scrolling, clicking on various elements of the site, or loading a new page, for example), you agree to the placement of cookies on your terminal. You are also considered to have given your consent to the placement of cookies by clicking on the "OK, accept all" icon to the right of the banner at the top or bottom of your screen.

5.4.1 Cookies exempt from consent

According to the recommendations of the National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties (CNIL), some cookies are exempt from the need to obtain your consent as they are strictly necessary for the operation of the website or have the exclusive purpose of allowing or facilitating electronic communication. These include session ID cookies, authentication cookies, load balancing session cookies, and interface personalization cookies. These cookies are fully subject to this policy as they are issued and managed by "the publisher."

5.4.2 Cookies requiring prior consent

This requirement applies to cookies issued by third parties and classified as "persistent" since they remain on your terminal until they are deleted or expire.

As these cookies are issued by third parties, their use and placement are subject to their own privacy policies. This category includes audience measurement cookies, advertising cookies, and social media sharing cookies.

Audience measurement cookies generate statistics regarding the use of the website and its various elements (such as the contents/pages you have visited). These data contribute to improving the ergonomics of "the publisher's" website.

5.5 Maximum retention period for trackers

Trackers are intended to be retained on the Internet User's device for a maximum of 13 months. These data are stored under secure conditions, using current technological means, in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation and national legislation in force.

5.6 Objecting to the use of trackers

5.6.1 Right to object to the use of trackers

You can accept or reject the placement of cookies at any time.

The Internet User can delete or disable the use of trackers at any time by changing their browser settings or by using the configuration interface offered by the Site and available upon first connection at the top or bottom of the homepage by clicking on the "Customize" icon to the right of the banner. The Site can be viewed without trackers. However, some additional features of the Site may not function if the Internet User disables the use of trackers, such as navigation indicators, interactive maps, and video streaming.

5.6.2 Settings

For more information about cookie control tools, you can consult here the dedicated page on the CNIL website. Browser settings

Each Internet browser offers its own cookie management settings. The Internet User can configure their browser software so that cookies are rejected, either systematically or depending on the issuer. The Internet User can also configure their browser software to prompt them to accept or reject cookies before a cookie is likely to be recorded on their device.

For cookie management and user choices, the configuration of each browser is different. It is described in the help menu of the browser, which will explain how to modify your cookie preferences: Configuring using add-ons

The Internet User can also configure the collection of personal data by installing add-ons.

For more information about cookie control tools, you can consult here the dedicated page on the CNIL website.


6.1 Legal protection of Site Contents

The Site Contents may be protected by copyright and database rights. Any representation, reproduction, translation, adaptation, or transformation, whether whole or partial, made illegally and without the consent of "the publisher" or its legal successors constitutes a violation of Books I and III of the Intellectual Property Code and may result in legal action for infringement.

6.2 Contractual protection of Site Contents

The Internet User contractually agrees with "the publisher" not to use, reproduce, or represent the Site Contents, whether protected by intellectual property rights or not, for any purpose other than reading them by a robot or browser. This prohibition does not apply to indexing robots whose sole purpose is to scan the content of the Site for indexing purposes.


7.1 Amendments

This Privacy Policy may be modified at any time by "the publisher." The conditions applicable to the Internet User are those in effect at the time of their connection to the Site, with any new connection to the Site implying acceptance of any new conditions.

7.2 Entirety

The invalidity of any clause of this contract will not invalidate the other clauses of the contract or the contract as a whole, which will retain their full effect and scope. In such a case, the parties must replace the invalidated provision with a valid one that corresponds to the spirit and purpose of these terms.

7.3 Non-waiver

Failure by "the publisher" to exercise the rights recognized by these terms shall not be construed as a waiver of those rights.

7.4 Languages

These terms are offered in French.

7.5 Unfair terms

The provisions of these terms are subject to compliance with the mandatory provisions of the Consumer Code regarding unfair terms in contracts between a professional and a consumer.


8.1 Applicable law

This Privacy Policy is subject to French law and European regulations, including the European Data Protection Regulation.

8.2 Arbitration

Any dispute relating to or connected with this contract will be resolved through arbitration in accordance with the FastArbitre rules of the Digital Institute of Arbitration and Mediation.

ARTICLE 9. Cookies

To customize the services and cookies you wish to accept or reject, click here.